Specialization of our office

Real Estate Projects

Preparation of the Project

Before the realization of a real estate project, we provide the following services:

  • proper set-up of legal steps and realization steps of the project
  • identification of legal risks of the project and their removal or mitigation
  • identification of basic tax risks and options for their removal

Development of land

During the process of the development of the land we provide consultations and services:

  • related to the acquisition of the land and possible consolidation of the ownership rights in the territory
  • in the process of the change of the land use type (relevant documents)
  • related to planning and constructing utility networks and roads, as well as solving access problems
  • at the execution of engineering in the territory (land resolution, land exemption from the agricultural land fund, construction resolution, using permits for constructions)

Construction and financing

In relation with project construction we provide legal services:

  • on relations with suppliers of the construction (work contract, execution of rights and duties, withholding of part of payments and bank guarantee, liability for defects, warranty)
  • related to financing the construction (loans, their security and administration)
  • related to obtaining the use permit for constructions and their registration to the cadaster
  • related to lawsuits and settlements regarding construction

Sale and lease of houses, flats and non-residential premises

We provide legal advisory and consultations for:

  • the sale of houses, apartments and non-residential premises (sample sale documentation, negotiations with buyers, relations regarding financing)
  • lease of houses, apartments and non-residential premises
  • related to lawsuits and settlements


Our office also solves issues regarding energy and network industries and provides legal advisory and consultations:

  • related to connection of constructions to utility lines (suppliers – contracts, liens)
  • related to construction and operation of utility networks and energy facilities
  • regarding the operations within the power industry

Real Estate

Real estate projects are closely linked with relations regarding real estate property. We provide legal advisory and consultations regarding:

  • examination of ownership right to real estate (especially research of title and previous titles to prove ownership right to the real estate – due diligence report on real estate)
  • transfers of land (purchase, exchange of land, donation), use of land (lease), creation and termination of the encumbrance of the land (mortgages, easements, pre-emption rights, etc.), including cadastral proceedings
  • land plots unification and arranging ownership rights to land
  • proceedings on land arrangement
  • regulation of land cooperatives and common land
  • regulation of vineyards
  • restitution and reconstruction of land ownership
  • change of the land use function and related proceedings
  • construction law
  • expropriation
  • financing of purchase of land (loans, real estate funds)

Related legal services:

  • tax consequences
  • legal advisory and consultations regarding the corporate structure of a client (legal transformation of a client’s corporate structures, tax optimization, administration of foreign companies
  • legal assistance regarding joint venture projects, including exit of one partner or finish of common project
  • cooperation with architects, planners, engineering activities operators, land planners, construction suppliers, energy networks and facilities operators, tax advisors, etc.
  • application of legal solutions for real estate projects

    Advokátska kancelária ELBA poskytuje komplexný právny servis v oblastiach obchodného a občianskeho práva, so špecializáciou na realitné projekty a pozemkové vlastníctvo.
  • Contact

    Advokátska kancelária ELBA, s.r.o.
    Plynárenská 1
    821 09 Bratislava – Ružinov
    E-mail: office@ak-elba.sk
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