
Advokátska kancelária ELBA provides comprehensive legal services in commercial and civil law.

Real Estate Projects

We provide comprehensive legal advisory, based on our experience that exceeds 10 years.
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Contractual services

We prepare and comment on many contractual types and other legal documents, especially in commercial and civil law. We also give advice, negotiate with counterparties on the particular terms of the contract, and counsel on issues concerning the execution and realization of transactions.

Corporate services

We provide comprehensive legal assistance including advising on conditions of business in the Slovak Republic, establishing a suitable company form and organizing related matters. We also provide legal service of corporate issues for companies, including change of legal form, mergers or division. We also provide the administration of foreign corporate structures.

Legal analyses, due diligence

An integral part of our legal services is the elaboration of legal analyses and due diligence reports that help our clients get orientated in complicated legal issues and make informed decisions, or that examine the status of a subject or real estate.

Representing the clients in judicial and other proceedings.

Pleading for our clients at court is an integral part of our practice. Legal advisory consists of taking over a case, determination of strategy, preparation of legal documents as well as pleading for clients in court.


In this area we have provided legal advisory to many Slovak and foreign clients. Legal advisory consists of execution of detailed legal due diligence of the subject, preparation of contractual documentation and closing a deal. The most significant acquisitions we participated in were the privatization of the biggest Slovak bank, Slovak insurance company and Slovak electricity distribution company, as well as many real estate acquisitions.


    Advokátska kancelária ELBA poskytuje komplexný právny servis v oblastiach obchodného a občianskeho práva, so špecializáciou na realitné projekty a pozemkové vlastníctvo.
  • Contact

    Advokátska kancelária ELBA, s.r.o.
    Plynárenská 1
    821 09 Bratislava – Ružinov
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